Rivers Wood Products… Where quality and service still count! 

Rivers Wood Products
1780 Richardson Highway
North Pole, Alaska - 99705
Map and Directions
Phone: (907) 488-0888
Toll Free: (866) 561-0888
Fax: (907) 488-1543
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Deckmaster Deck Fastening System

Grabber’s Deckmaster Fastening System is designed to hide all fasteners beneath the deckboards making the deck stronger and more durable.

With Deckmaster no moisture can enter deckboards or joists, the primary cause of deck rot and nail and screw pop-ups. Stains and splinters around fastener holes are eliminated because there are no exposed screws or nails.

We carry both powder-coated and stainless steel brackets and fasteners for building a beautiful and durable deck.